
How did I do it?

Cool.. yes how do I do it? Was surprised how quickly I learnt with Fai. Each lesson focused on my specific improvement areas and safety was paramount at all times. No falls compared to another local teacher I went to. Im actually finally cycling!! Tx Fai!! V. Gill

A sense of achievement

Learning how to cycle as an adult can be an overwhelming thought. Many of us no longer possess the freedom of fearlessness that we see in children. I cycled a bit in my youth but after a painful accident I never felt comfortable riding bike again. After many more YouTube worthy calamities cycling as an adult I …

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I did it!

I’ve been wanting to ride a motorcycle for quite sometime but was lacking the confidence to take up the challenge as I have no sense of balance on 2 wheels. A quick search and I found Fai. He assured me that I will learn safely and I did. At the start it did not occur …

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As easy as 1, 2, 3…

I never really thought I could begin to cycle naturally after just a couple of lessons! Fai assisted in resolving certain habits that would be detrimental to cycling by working through the process step by step and answering my questions effectively. Progress was swift and by the end of the program I had more than …

As easy as 1, 2, 3… Read More »

Proud to be a cyclist

Having missed out on learning to cycle as a youngster, I had given up on the possibility of ever cycling. Somehow learning as an adult seemed impossible – embarrassing as well as physically challenging. I reconciled myself to living with this regret. However on a recent trip to singapore, it occurred to me to try …

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A great morning surprise from Jin

Received this in the mail this morning. Great way to start the day  🙂     “Hi Fai, I learn cycling from you previously and have been cycling in East Coast park on the weekends since. I recorded a cycling video with my gopro camera. Enjoy the video and thanks for the lessons!  

cycling lessons

Never too old

What can I say more?  No falls, never too old to learn to cycle and able to ride by lesson 4; that’s what Faisal told me.  He kept up his side of the bargain through his advices and viola, was able to ride a bicycle on lesson 4. Eugene